We at Fairfirst believe that women’s rights should be spoken about every day. On International Women’s Day 2022
you affirmed our beliefs. You chose to have her voice heard.


We at Fairfirst believe that women’s rights should be spoken about every day. On International Women’s Day 2022
you affirmed our beliefs. You chose to have her voice heard.

Missed it?
Not to worry.

We have curated the events of 8th March 2022 on this playlist.

Are you a woman who has faced discrimination?
Visit the link below and find a list of places that you can visit and speak about your issues privately.

“I raise up my voice – not so that I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard. … We cannot
all succeed when half of us are held back”
- Malala Yousafzai

This is not another Women’s Day video you watch and forget.

This video gains a little more volume every time you share it. Because women's issues won't get solved unless every citizen is aware of them, and participates in giving her voice the volume it deserves.

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